O nás - About us
Naše chovatelská stanice Caer Dallben se nachází v podhůří Novohradských hor v malé vesničce Dlouhá, všude okolo nás je krajina plná lesů a luk, prostě ideální prostředí pro zvířata. Svého prvního irského vlkodava (můj sen od dětství) jsem si přivezla v roce 2002.
Our small kennel is situated in the Southern Bohemia near Novohradske mountains. We live in a house with great garden in the middle of the forests. We aren't a big kennel, so we have only a few wolfhounds at home.
Our breeding began in 2002, but my first wolfhound I saw at the age of 22 years and since then I've wanted to have one. I bought a lot of books where they was described and illustrated, and finally in 2002 I fulfilled my dream. Since then we had a few litters.
Our dogs live with us as full members of the family. Because we have a small animal farm, our dogs and puppies are accustomed to various domestic animals. We have one other dog (pug Puci), two mini horses, mini sheep, goats, rabbits, cats, and a pair of budgies. We walk daily with the dogs for walks, which is for us the best part of the day and for dogs also. I think that just this makes our wolfhounds active, fast, strong and mainly health (walks at sunset are the best).
Wolfhounds are with us already longer time and we know that a better friend than the wolfhound never will find you!

We try to keep our Wolfhounds healthy, strong and happy, just as well like puppies from us.